Graduate in French and Catalan Philology, University of Barcelona, 1985
Born in Barcelona (1962), in 1982 Maria Llopis started working in publishing houses and with commercial linguistic services. In 1992 she embarked on her career as a freelance translator – from Spanish, French and Italian to Catalan – of novels, essays, short stories and exhibition catalogues for publishers and institutions including Grup 62, La Magrana, RBA, Edebé, Teide, Grup Promotor, Ara Llibres, CCCB, Institut d’Estudis Catalans, Museu d’Història de Catalunya, MACBA, the bank “la Caixa” and the Autonomous University of Barcelona.
Notable among the books she has translated are: Indigneu-vos! (Time for Outrage!) by Stéphane Hessel; Jezabel (Jezebel) by Irène Némirovsky; Billie by Anna Gavalda; La llista dels meus desitjos (The List of My Desires) by Grégoire Delacourt; La trilogia de la nit (The Night Trilogy – Night / Dawn / Day) by Elie Wiesel; Una novel·la francesa (A French Novel) by Frédéric Beigbeder; La dona de verd (Silence of the Grave) by Arnaldur Indridason, for which she received the 2010 Brigada Prize for Best Translated Novel; Els ulls grocs dels cocodrils (The Yellow Eyes of Crocodiles) by Katherine Pancol; El bruixot dels vents (The Wind Wizard – original title, Lo Stregone dei Venti) by Miki Monticelli, and several books in the Geronimo Stilton series.
[Last update: April 2015].