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Josep Llinàs

Barcelona (Spain)

Josep Llinàs

Architect. President of the Prize jury (2012)

Josep Llinàs is closely related with Barcelona, the city where he lives and where most of his built work is located. Jaume Fuster Library (2006) in Plaça Lesseps, which won him his third FAD Prize and the National Prize for Architecture and Public Space of the Generalitat de Catalunya; the Fort Pienc amenity complex (2003) in the Eixample, and the housing block at 55, Carrer del Carme (1995) in the Raval district are foremost examples of an architecture that has helped to improve the city. But more than the imprint they leave on the appearance of Barcelona, his buildings are characterised by their ability to establish a dialogue with their setting.

He studied architecture at the Barcelona Graduate School of Architecture. He later became a teacher there, and at El Vallès Graduate School of Architecture and Ramon Llull University. He has also been invited lecturer at architecture schools such as the Pamplona Graduate School of Architecture and the École Polytechnique Fédérale in Lausanne. His articles and works on Josep Maria Jujol, Mies van der Rohe, Alejandro de la Sota and Coderch, in particular, have been widely published in national and international magazines.

President of the prize jury in 2012.

Last updated: January 2019

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