BA in Political Science and Administration, specializing in Public Space management.

Born in Granollers (Barcelona) in 1992, he is graduated in Political Science and Administration from the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) of Barcelona and has a Post-degree in Dimensions and Complexity of Public Space in Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). Currently, he is studying the master "City and Urbanism", also in UOC Under an internship agreement he worked from june to december 2015 in managing, editing and writing content for the CCCB’s website and its social networks. He is also a member of the human tower group Xics de Granollers and its Communitty Manager. For the past five years he is part of Balonmano Granollers' young teams staff as coach. He also writes in his blog Poble Urbà.
[Last Update: december 2015]