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Francis Rambert

Paris (France)

Francis Rambert

Architect. Head of the Architectural Creation Department at the Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine. Member of the Prize jury (2006-2018)

Head of the Architectural Creation Department at the Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine. Prior to his current position, he was director of the French Architecture Institute. Since 2017, he has been chairman of the board of directors of the French school of architecture, École nationale d’architecture.

He has been editor of the Architecture column in Le Figaro culture supplement and participated in the creation of the magazine D’architectures, as well as publishing numerous articles in the specialist press, particularly the magazine Connaissance des Arts.

Outstanding in his work as curator are the exhibition of projects addressing the future of the Paris metropolis, Le Grand Pari(s), and the French Pavilion at the 2008 Venice Architecture Biennale on the theme “GénéroCité, Generous vs Generic”. He has published the books Architecture Tomorrow (Terrail, 2005), Towards a New Social Housing (Silvana Editoriale, 2009) and, more recently, Riccioti Architecte (Le Gac Press, Cité de l’architecture & du patrimoine, 2013).

Member of the jury for the European Prize for Urban Public Space since 2006.

Last updated: January 2019

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