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Doreen Massey

Manchester (United Kingdom)

Doreen Massey

Social scientist

(Manchester, 1944-2016) Doreen Massey was emeritus Professor of Geography at the Open University (United Kingdom). She studied at Oxford and Philadelphia and, before incorporating at the Open University, she started her career at the Centre for Environmental Studies in London. She was one of the most influential geographers of our times. Her range of interests associated with the theory of space and place include a critical view of globalisation, unequal regional development, the importance of the local, and the political commitment of geographical analysis. Although her reflections mainly focused on modern western societies, she also worked in South Africa, Nicaragua and Venezuela. Her work was recognised with the Victoria Medal of the Royal Geographical Society (1994) and the Prix Vautrin Lud (1998). Amongst her published works are World City (Polity Press, 2010), For space (Sage Publications, 2005) and Space, place and gender (Polity Press, 1994). She was a frequent media commentator in the United Kingdom.

Update: 1 March 2023

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