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Pere Buil

Barcelona (Spain)

Pere Buil


Architect graduated from ETSAB (UPC), he is a partner and co-founder of vo-ra, an architecture studio that works on building and urban design projects, in different scales and typologies. His work has received several awards, among others the El Temps de les Arts 2021, Frame 2020, Archmarathon 2014, Ciutat de Barcelona 2013, has been finalist or selected in several editions of the Mies van der Rohe, FAD, ENOR, Bigmat, Bienal Española de Arquitectura (BEAU), Bienal Europea del Paisaje, and Arquia/Prócima awards, among others, and has been exhibited at the Venice Biennale in the Catalan and Spanish pavili-ons in the 2014 and 2016 editions. In 2018, the studio's first monographic ex-hibition "Identitats Compartides" was presented at the Kolektiv gallery in Bel-grade.

He has been a professor in the projects department at ETSAV (UPC, Sant Cu-gat del Vallès) since 2015, where he is currently responsible for the project workshop "Territoris de Contacte" focused on the public space project.

He combines professional activity and teaching eventually with curatorship and cultural action. Among others, he curated the exhibition "Matèria Sensi-ble", exhibited in several European cities, and edited the book Altres Glòries: proposta per a la renaturalització de Barcelona (Dpr-Barcelona, 2016)

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