autores-frontend Portlet

Lucy Musgrave

London (United Kingdom)

Lucy Musgrave

Urbanist. Member of the Prize jury (2002)

Founding director of Publica, an urban design practice devoted to projects to transform the city of London. She was previously Director of the Architecture Foundation. The foremost projects carried out at Publica include Hanover Square, Bond Street, the Barbican & Golden Lane Area Strategy and Vision for the Cultural Hub. She previously worked for other institutions as a consultant on strategic plans, urban design and public policies.

She has been an honorary fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects since 2001. She is also a member of the Cultural Hub Advisory Board of the City of London, the City Property Association Board and HS2 Design Panel. In 2007, jointly with Clare Cumberlidge, former co-founding partner of the consultancy General Public Agency (GPA), she published a book entitled Design and Landscape for People: New Approaches to Renewal (Thomas & Hudson, 2007).

Member of the jury of the European Prize for Urban Public Space in 2002.

Last updated: February 2019

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