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Catalina Salvà

Catalina Salvà


Architect by the Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura del Vallès 9), and PhD in Urbanism 'cum laude' by the UPC. Her doctoral thesis has received the extraordinary doctoral award from the UPC and has been partially published in the book Les pedres de marès. Identitat oblidada del paisatge de Mallorca (Lleonard Muntaner 2018).

She is an associate professor at the School of Architecture of Barcelona. She also teaches the Master in Landscape and Restoration at the University of the Balearic Islands.

In 2001, together with Hector Ortín, she formed the Salvà Ortín Arquitectes studio, working from Barcelona and Mallorca, developing housing, public space and landscape projects. They have been winners on three occasions of the international competition for young architects Europan (14th, 15th and 17th editions) and also in competitions on urban public space and recoveries of river environments. Their work has received the Young Architects Association of Catalonia Award 2016 in unbuilt work of urbanism and landscape and has been selected by the 9th Rosa Barba International Biennial of Landscape.

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