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Andreas Ruby

Basel (Switzerland)

Andreas Ruby

Architecture critic, curator, teacher and publisher. Member of the Prize Jury (2022)

Ruby has taught Architectural Theory and Design at Cornell University, ENSAPM Paris Malaquais, the Metropolis Programme Barcelona, and Umea School of Architecture among many other places. Besides regularly contributing to well-known international architecture magazines, he has published some 20 books on contemporary architecture. In 2008 he co-founded, together with Ilka Ruby, the award-winning architecture publishing house RUBY PRESS,. They have also organized a series of international symposiums and exhibitions on architecture and design, including the travelling exhibition “Druot, Lacaton & Vassal – Tour Bois le Prêtre” (launched in 2012), the Montenegro Pavilion at the 14th Venice Architecture Biennial in 2014, and “Together: The New Architecture of the Collective” at the Vitra Design Museum in 2017. In 2016 he was appointed director of the SAM Swiss Architecture Museum in Basel. Under his tenure the museum has produced a series of ground-breaking exhibitions on architectural and urban design in Switzerland (“Schweizweit”, “Dichtelust”, “Swim City”, and “Concrete”), as well as innovative shows on architecture in international contexts (“Bengal Stream”, “Transform”, “Mock-up”).

Photo ©Wilma Leskowitsch

[Update: 26 January 2022]

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