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Oriol Bohigas

Barcelona (Spain)

Oriol Bohigas

Architect and writer. President of the Prize jury (2000, 2004)

Renowned Catalan architect who devoted most of his career to the city of Barcelona, where he was responsible for the remodelling of Port Vell harbour and the creation of the Olympic Village. Also in the city of Barcelona, he designed the headquarters of Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) and the more recent Barcelona Design Museum (DHUB). His works earned him such distinguished awards as the Gold Medal for Artistic Merit of the City of Barcelona, the Creu Sant Jordi and the Ciutat de Barcelona Award. He was an Honorary Academic of the Sant Jordi Royal Catalan Academy of Fine Arts and a founder member of Edicions 62 press.

He wrote opinion articles for newspapers such as El País and was the author of many books, including Barcelona entre el Pla Cerdà and el barraquisme (Edicions 62, 1963), Reconstrucció de Barcelona (Edicions 62, 1985) and Contra la incontinencia urbana: reconsideración moral de la arquitectura y la ciudad (Electa, 2004).

President of the jury of the European Prize for Urban Public Space in 2000 and 2004.

Last updated: February 2019

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