autores-frontend Portlet

  • Ash Amin

    Ash Amin

    • Kampala (Uganda)


  • Louise Amoore

    Louise Amoore

    Working on issues of risk, economy and security at the Institute for Hazard and Risk Research

  • Isabelle Anguelovski

    Isabelle Anguelovski

    • Barcelona (Spain)

    Social Scientist trained in Urban and Environmental Planning

  • Xavier Antich

    Xavier Antich

    • La Seu d'Urgell (Spain)


  • Anne Applebaum

    Anne Applebaum

    • Washington (United States of America)

    Writer, journalist and editorial counselor.

  • Maria Auböck

    Maria Auböck

    • Munich (Germany)

    Architect, landscaper, and lecturer. Member of the Prize’s Board of Experts (2014-2018)

  • Paul Auster

    Paul Auster

    • New York (United States of America)

    Writer, film director and scriptwriter.

  • Pedro Azara

    Pedro Azara

    • Barcelona (Spain)


  • Anna Bach

    Anna Bach

    • Barcelona (Spain)


  • Gjergj Bakallbashi

    Gjergj Bakallbashi

    • Tirana (Albania)

    Architect. Member of the Prize’s Board of Experts (2016-2024)

  • Ethel Baraona

    Ethel Baraona

    • Barcelona (Spain)

    Critic, writer, and curator

  • Enric Batlle

    Enric Batlle

    • Barcelona (Spain)

    Architect, lecturer at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. President of the Prize jury (2016)

  • Julie-Anne Boudreau

    Julie-Anne Boudreau

    Doctorada en estudis urbans per l’Escola de Política Pública i Recerca social de la Universitat de Califòrnia

  • Ole Bouman

    Ole Bouman

    • Rotterdam (Netherlands)

    Architect. Member of the Prize jury (2008-2012)

  • Joanna Bourke

    Joanna Bourke

    • Blenheim (New Zealand)


  • Rosi Braidotti

    Rosi Braidotti

    • Utrecht (Netherlands)


  • Luisa Bravo

    Luisa Bravo

    • Bologna (Italy)

    Urban designer, public space activist, social entrepreneur. Member of the Prize’s Board of Experts (2022-2024)

  • David Bravo i Bordas

    David Bravo i Bordas

    • Barcelona (Spain)

    Architect. Former secretary of the Prize Jury (2010-2018)

  • Lindsay Bremner

    Lindsay Bremner

    Professor of Architecture

  • Maria Buhigas

    Maria Buhigas

    • Barcelona (Spain)

    Urban planner

  • Peter Cachola Schmal

    Peter Cachola Schmal

    • Frankfurt am Main (Germany)

    Architect and architecture critic. Director of the German Architecture Museum (DAM). Member of the Prize jury (2010-2018)

  • Teresa Caldeira

    Teresa Caldeira

    • Berkeley (United States of America)

    Anthropologist and Professor of City and Regional Planning at the University of California, Berkeley.

  • Nerea Calvillo

    Nerea Calvillo

    • Madrid (Spain)

    Architect and researcher

  • Salvador Cardús

    Salvador Cardús

    • Barcelona (Spain)


  • Rodrigo Coelho

    Rodrigo Coelho

    • Porto (Portugal)

    Architect. Member of the Prize’s Board of Experts (2016-2024)

  • Jean-Louis Cohen

    Jean-Louis Cohen

    • Paris (France)


  • Daniela Colafranceschi

    Daniela Colafranceschi

    • Catanzaro (Italy)

    Member of the Prize’s Board of Experts (2010, 2014, 2022-2024).

  • Teju Cole

    Teju Cole

    • Kalamazoo, Michigan (United States of America)

    Writer and photographer.

  • Teddy Cruz

    Teddy Cruz

    Architect and lecturer in urbanism at the University of California, San Diego

  • Dana Cuff

    Dana Cuff

    Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at the University of California, Los Angeles

  • Salma Dalmuji

    Salma Dalmuji


  • Diane Davis

    Diane Davis

    • Boston (United States of America)

    Sociologist and geograph

  • Keller Easterling

    Keller Easterling

    An architect and professor at the Yale School of Architecture

  • Alejandro Echeverri

    Alejandro Echeverri

    • Medellín (Colòmbia) | @CachoEcheverri

    Architect and urban planner, director of the Centre for Urban and Environmental Studies (Urbam) at EAFIT University.

  • Carolin Emcke

    Carolin Emcke

    • Berlin (Germany)

    Journalist and philosopher

  • Ulrike Engel

    Ulrike Engel

    With a degree in Art History and Architecture from the Martin-Luther-University (Saale) and the Technical University (Berlin)

  • Marina Garcés

    Marina Garcés

    • Barcelona (Spain)


  • Albert García Espuche

    Albert García Espuche

    • Barcelona (Spain)

     Architect and historian. Secretary of the Prize jury (2000)

  • Jan Gehl

    Jan Gehl

    • Copenhagen (Denmark)

    Architect and urbanist. Member of the Prize jury (2000)

  • Bronislaw Geremek

    Bronislaw Geremek

    (1932-2008). Catedràtic de civilització europea del College of Europe a Natolin (Varsòvia).

  • Peter Hall

    Peter Hall

    • London (United Kingdom)


  • Suzanne Hall

    Suzanne Hall

    • London (United Kingdom)

    Professor in Sociology at the LSE and co-director of the  Cities programme

  • David Harvey

    David Harvey

    • Gillingham (United Kingdom)


  • Philip Hoare

    Philip Hoare

    • Southampton (United Kingdom)


  • Eric Hobsbawm

    Eric Hobsbawm

    (Alexandria, 1917). Professor emèrit d’Història social i econòmica del Birkbeck College, Universitat de Londres.

  • James Holston

    James Holston

    Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the University of San Diego, California

  • Axel Honneth

    Axel Honneth

    • Essen (Germany)

    Philosopher and sociologist

  • Srećko Horvat

    Srećko Horvat

    • Osijek (Croatia)

    Philosopher, author and political activist

  • Gus Hosein

    Gus Hosein

    • London (United Kingdom)

    Lawyer and director of Privacy International.

  • Hans Ibelings

    Hans Ibelings

    • Montreal (Canada)

    Architecture critic and historian. Member of the Jury (2016-2022) and of the Board of Experts of the Prize (2010-2012).

  • Sarah Mineko Ichioka

    Sarah Mineko Ichioka

    • Singapore (Singapore)

    Urbanist. Member of the prize jury (2010-2014)

  • Francesco Indovina

    Francesco Indovina

    • Termini Imerese (Italy)

    Urban planner, writer and politician.

  • Richard Ingersoll

    Richard Ingersoll

    An architect with a doctorate from the University of Berkeley (California)

  • Tim Ingold

    Tim Ingold

    • Aberdeen (United Kingdom)


  • Rahel Jaeggi

    Rahel Jaeggi

    • Berlin (Germany)


  • Owen Jones

    Owen Jones

    • Sheffield (United Kingdom)

    Journalist, columnist for The Guardian and writer.

  • Jorge Mario Jáuregui

    Jorge Mario Jáuregui

    An architect and urban planner

  • Ira Katznelson 

    Ira Katznelson 

    • New York (United States of America)

    Political scientist and historian

  • Juulia Kauste

    Juulia Kauste

    • Helsinki (Finland)

    Sociologist and art historian. Member of Prize Jury (2012-2016). Member of the Prize’s Board of Experts (2022-2024)

  • Thomas Keenan

    Thomas Keenan

    Professor d’Història dels mitjans de comunicació i de Literatura comparada

  • Doreen Massey

    Doreen Massey

    • Manchester (United Kingdom)

    Social scientist

  • Jorge Melguizo

    Jorge Melguizo

    • Medellín (Colombia)

    Political consultant

  • Dan Merta

    Dan Merta

    • Prague (Czech Republic)

    Art curator. Member of the Prize’s Board of Experts (2014-2024)

  • Nicholas Mirzoeff

    Nicholas Mirzoeff

    • New York (United States of America)

    Theorist of visual culture 

  • Xavier Monteys

    Xavier Monteys

    • Barcelona (Spain)

    Architect and architecture critic

  • Evgeny Morozov

    Evgeny Morozov

    • New York (United States of America)

    Researcher and writer

  • Francesc Muñoz

    Francesc Muñoz

    • Barcelona (Spain)

    Professor of Urban Geography at Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona. Member of the Prize's Board of Experts 2024

  • Eleni Myrivili

    Eleni Myrivili

    • Athens (Greece)

    Anthropologist and expert in Heat Resilience. Member of the Prize Jury (2022)

  • Deborah Natsios

    Deborah Natsios

    Director of Natsios Young Architects in New York

  • Shimon Naveh

    Shimon Naveh

    Director of the Operational Theory Research Institute of the National Defence College of Israel

  • Moisés Naím

    Moisés Naím

    • Caracas (Venezuela)

    Analyst of the international economy and politics

  • Oriol Nel·lo

    Oriol Nel·lo

    • Barcelona (Spain)


  • Lugh O’Neill

    Lugh O’Neill

    Composer and sound designer

  • Ewa P. Porębska

    Ewa P. Porębska

    • Warsaw (Poland)

    Architect and architecture expert, critic, curator, mentor. Member of the Prize Jury (2016-2018). Member of the Prize’s Board of Experts (2010-2014, 2022-2024)

  • Jeremy Packer

    Jeremy Packer

    Associate professor in the School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania

  • José Luis Pardo

    José Luis Pardo

    Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid

  • Jordi Puntí

    Jordi Puntí

    • Manlleu (Spain)


  • Javier Pérez Andújar

    Javier Pérez Andújar

    • Sant Adrià de Besòs (Spain)

    Writer and philologist

  • Rasheed Rahman

    Rasheed Rahman

    (Lahore, 1948). One of Pakistan’s most outstanding journalists

  • Francis Rambert

    Francis Rambert

    • Paris (France)

    Architect. Head of the Architectural Creation Department at the Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine. Member of the Prize jury (2006-2018)

  • Josep Ramoneda

    Josep Ramoneda

    • Barcelona (Spain)

    Journalist, philosopher and writer

  • Vyjayanthi Rao

    Vyjayanthi Rao

    She received her PhD in Anthropology from the University of Chicago

  • Carlo Ratti

    Carlo Ratti

  • Carme Ribas

    Carme Ribas

    • Barcelona (Spain)

    Architect, Manager of the Besòs Consortium. President (2014) and Secretary (2006) of the Prize jury 

  • Saskia Sassen

    Saskia Sassen

    • New York (United States of America)

    Sociologist, Robert S. Lynd Professor of Sociology at Columbia University, New York.

  • Donald Sassoon

    Donald Sassoon

    (Cairo). Professor of Comparative European History at Queen Mary, University of London.

  • Alessandro Scarnato

    Alessandro Scarnato

    • Barcelona (Spain)


  • Marta Segarra

    Marta Segarra

    • Barcelona (Spain)

    Philologyst and researcher

  • Jorge Semprún

    Jorge Semprún

    (Madrid, 1923) Writer and philosopher

  • Richard Sennett

    Richard Sennett

    • New York (United States of America)

    Sociologist and writer, professor at the London School of Economics (LSE)

  • Carlo Sessa

    Carlo Sessa

    • Roma (Italy)

    Expert in Statistics and Demography

  • Olga Sezneva

    Olga Sezneva

    • Saint Petersburg (Russia)

    Urban sociologist. Member of the Prize’s Board of Experts (2016)

  • Mimi Sheller

    Mimi Sheller

    • Philadelphia (United States of America)


  • David Simon

    David Simon

    • Cape Town (South Africa)

    Director of Mistra Urban Futures and Professor of Development Geography

  • AbdouMaliq Simone

    AbdouMaliq Simone

    Professor of Sociology at Goldsmith College of the University of London

  • Iain Sinclair

    Iain Sinclair

    • London (United Kingdom)

    Writer and film-maker

  • Dietmar Steiner

    Dietmar Steiner

    • Vienna (Austria)

    Architect and former director of the Architekturzentrum Wien. Member of the Prize jury (2002-2016)

  • Paloma Strelitz

    Paloma Strelitz

    • London (United Kingdom)

    Strategist and creative director with a focus on cities, culture, and technology. Member of the Prize Jury (2022)  

  • Bo Stråth

    Bo Stråth

    • Helsinki (Finland)


  • Eva Subías

    Eva Subías

    • Tarragona (Spain)


  • Eick Volker

    Eick Volker

    A political scientist, he works at the John F. Kennedy Institute of the Free University in Berlin

  • Peter Wagner

    Peter Wagner

    • Barcelona (Spain)

    Social and political theorist

  • Judy Wajcman

    Judy Wajcman

    • London (United Kingdom)

    Sociologist, Anthony Giddens professor of Sociology at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and Visiting Professor at the Oxford Internet Institute.

  • Eyal Weizman

    Eyal Weizman

    Architect and director of the research agency Forensic Architecture

  • Maha Yahya

    Maha Yahya

    Urbanista i historiadora de l’arquitectura

  • Adam Zagajewski

    Adam Zagajewski

    • Krakow (Poland)

    Poet, novelist and essayist

  • Viktor Zotov

    Viktor Zotov

    • Kyiv (Ukraine)

    Architect. Member of the Prize’s Board of Experts (2016-2024)

  • Sharon Zukin

    Sharon Zukin

    Professor of Sociology at the Columbia University of New York

  • Iñaki Ábalos

    Iñaki Ábalos

    • Madrid (Spain)

    Arquitecto, catedrático de arquitectura y profesor.

  • Matevž Čelik

    Matevž Čelik

    • Ljubljana (Slovenia)

    Architect. Member of the Prize Jury (2014-2018). Member of the Prize’s Board of Experts (2012, 2022).