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Rafael Moneo

Madrid (Spain)

Rafael Moneo

Architect. President of the Prize jury (2010)

Internationally renowned Spanish architect. His principal works include the Kursaal Auditorium and Congress Centre in San Sebastian (1999), the extension of the Prado Museum in Madrid (2007), the Museum of Fine Arts of Houston (Texas, USA, 2000) and the Laboratory for Integrated Science and Engineering (LISE) at Harvard University (Cambridge, USA, 2007). He was awarded the Pritzker Prize in 1996, the Gold Medal of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA, 2003) and the Gold Medal for Architecture of the Council of Spanish Architects’ Associations (CSCAE, 2006), and is part of the San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts. In 2017, he was awarded the Praemium Imperiale, the foremost Japanese architecture award.

He combines his architecture praxis with his activity as teacher, lecturer and critic. He is Josep Lluís Sert Professor of Architecture at Harvard Graduate School of Design. Co-founder of the magazine Arquitecturas Bis, he writes for the specialist press and is the author, among others, of Inquietud teórica y estrategia proyectual en la obra de ocho arquitectos contemporáneos (Actar, 2005), translated into several languages, and La vida de los edificios. La mezquita de Córdoba, la lonja de Sevilla y un carmen en Granada (Acantilado, 2018).

President of the jury of the European Prize for Urban Public Space in 2010.

Last updated: January 2019

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