autores-frontend Portlet

Francesco Musco

Venice (Italy)

Francesco Musco

Architect and urban planner. Member of the Prize jury (2024)

Full Professor in Urban Planning and Design at the Department of Architecture and Arts – Università Iuav di Venezia, where he serves as Director of Research. Founder and director until 2022 of the MSc In Urban Planning for Transition and coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Master’s Course on Maritime Spatial Planning. He also serves on the board of the CORILA Consortium for Coordination of Research Activities concerning the Venice Lagoon System.

His career is characterised by a multidisciplinary approach to urban and environmental planning. In recent years, he has concluded his research on the relationship between urban planning, design, sustainability, and resilience, with particular attention to processes of sustainable urban regeneration and their contribution to climate-proof planning.. In 2011 he founded the Planning & Climate Change Lab active in applied research and consultancy to support innovations for planning and designing resilient cities at international level.

He taught and spent visiting research periods at the University of Louisville, Kentucky (Center for Environmental Policy and Management), Drexel University of Philadelphia, Reading (Department of Real Estate and Planning), Barcelona (UAB), Seville. He is currently coordinator of the Springer Verlag Planning for Climate Proof Cities series which aims to contribute towards resilient, adaptable city design in response to the climate crisis.

[Update: January 2024]

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