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Carme Ribas

Barcelona (Spain)

Carme Ribas

Architect, Manager of the Besòs Consortium. President (2014) and Secretary (2006) of the Prize jury 

She began her professional career as a member of the Urban Projects Service of Barcelona City Council (1980-1987), working to democratise the public spaces of a city emerging from four decades of dictatorship. Since 1985, the practice she shares with Pere Joan Ravetllat has made a name for itself with projects ranging from social housing and public facilities to improved urban space, seeking to place architecture at the service of the city and society. Their projects include the rehabilitation of Sant Antoni Market, completed in 2018, the URV University Campus in Tortosa, shortlisted for the 2012 FAD Prize for Architecture, and, more recently, the Quatre Camins housing project for the elderly in 2018, with a special mention in the Construcció Sostenible Awards, among others. In 2018 she was appointed Manager of the Besòs Consortium.

Since 1987 she has lectured in Architecture Projects at the Barcelona Graduate School of Architecture (ETSAB), where she has also taught on the master’s degree in Landscape. Her work has been published in various national and international magazines. Her articles include El retorn al subsòl: tres museus del segle XX (DPA 21, 2005) and Habitatge públic a la ciutat. Tres Acotacions (Qüestions d’Habitatge 19. Repensar el PMHB, 2016).

President of the prize jury in 2014 and Secretary in 2006.

Last updated: January 2019

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