Award Editions Frontend Portlet

Edition 2008

International Jury


Asset Publisher

About us

Jury members


Asset Publisher

About us

Jury members

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    Severi Blomstedt

    • Helsinki (Finland)

    Architect. Member of the Prize jury (2006-2010)

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    Ole Bouman

    • Rotterdam (Netherlands)

    Architect. Member of the Prize jury (2008-2012)

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    Rowan Moore

    • London (United Kingdom)

    Architecture critic. Member of the Prize jury (2004,2008)

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    Francis Rambert

    • Paris (France)

    Architect. Head of the Architectural Creation Department at the Cité de l’Architecture et du Patrimoine. Member of the Prize jury (2006-2018)

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    Dietmar Steiner

    • Vienna (Austria)

    Architect and former director of the Architekturzentrum Wien. Member of the Prize jury (2002-2016)


Asset Publisher

About us

Jury members

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    Carles Crosas

    • Barcelona (Spain)

    Architect and urbanist. Secretary of the Prize jury (2008)