multimedia-frontend Portlet

19 May 2015

My dream public space

21/11/2013 | MAO - Museum of Architecture and Design (Ljubljana)


On 24 November 2013, the Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO) in Ljubljana organised a children’s workshop on creating public space.

On 24 November 2013, the Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO) in Ljubljana organised a children’s workshop on creating public space. After a guided tour of the European Prize for Urban Public Space exhibition, which was then being shown in the MAO, the children designed the public space of their dreams, with street furniture, benches, swings and many other amenities, bearing in mind the different generations that would be using them.

This was the closing event of several that were organised around the exhibition, which opened on 27 September. Both the workshop and exhibition were part of the Europe City programme.

For further information [+].

Translation: Julie Wark.